Term: 1 Semester
Online: Yes
Paper: No
Accomodated/Modified Available: No
Students will work toward proficiency at a Novice-Low ACTFL level in the following topics: greeting others, introducing themselves, saying the alphabet, answering basic questions, telling time, and talking about destinations and where they are going. Additionally, they will be able to briefly talk about friends, family, pets, home, important dates, seasons, toys, games, food, and colors. This course features interactive elements: live one-on-one speaking appointments, a student discussion board, and an instructor-hosted wiki.(instructor to be provided by the school) There is a strong emphasis on learning to speak the language, as well as read and write it. Additionally, there is an emphasis on gaining cultural understanding. This is the first course in a four-part French series (FREN 041, 043, 051, and 053).
State Aligned:
All States Aligned