Term: 2 Semesters
Online: Yes
Paper: No
Accomodated/Modified Available: No
In 2nd Grade Grammar and Penmanship, students will focus on their writing skills. The penmanship instruction reinforces the letters, phonograms, and words that are introduced in Phonics and Spelling. Students will review and practice the steps to form all lowercase and uppercase manuscript letters. Students will also learn the steps to form all lowercase and uppercase cursive letters. The grammar instruction strengthens the skills necessary for reading and composition. Students will learn the functions of words, phrases, and clauses in sentences so that they can comprehend and compose sentences. Students begin by learning about parts of speech and parts of sentences and build up to whole sentences and punctuation rules. Throughout the course, students will construct their own writing handbook. The handbook will include examples of manuscript and cursive letters as well as grammar terms and rules. The course culminates in students writing correspondences in cursive to authentically practice grammar and penmanship.
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